Norte de salud mental, 2021, vol. XVII, nº 64: 128-144. Abstract: This work aims to explore the meaning of violence, silence, mistreatment and abuse received by women during the Spanish genocide, the consequences of impunity[…]
Etiqueta: english texts
In these articles all or part of the text is in english
Social Violence and State Violence today in Catalonia
translated by Google Translate Manifesto The undersigned are a group that works in the field of mental health and we have united about a common concern: to understand the institutionalization of violence in the[…]
Open wounds, closed graves
In the number of mass, unmarked graves from the 1936-39 Civil War and its aftermath Spain comes second only to Cambodia
Memory, Trauma, and Human Rights at the Crossroads of Art and Science An International Interdisciplinary Conference October 3-4, 2019
This two-day conference brings together scholars, artists, and researchers from the University of Minnesota, the Twin Cities community, and major research institutions abroad to better understand the impacts of trauma upon individuals and societies. Presentations[…]
Comment on documentary Franco on Trial
Comentario del documental La Causa contra Franco
So far no one has been brought to justice for crimes committed during the Spanish Civil War or Franco’s regime. Now, an Argentinian initiative has launched an attempt to prosecute officials. Will they succeed?
NGOs denounce Spain for drawing a veil over Franco-era crimes
Today, human rights organizations TRIAL International and Women’s Link Worldwide bring the first case relating to the Franco regime before the United Nations. 44 years after the fall of the dictatorship, relatives and survivors are[…]
Ressenya estudi de Faculty of Psychology – University of Oviedo sobre treball precari i salut mental
Incertidumbre laboral y salud mental: una revisión meta-analítica de las consecuencias del trabajo precario en trastornos mentales Resumen: Ante la creciente inestabilidad generada por la crisis económica mundial, la incertidumbre laboral vuelve a tomar relevancia[…]
Spanish parliament again impedes judging of Franco’s amnesty crimes
The amnesty law of 1977 is the instrument invoked by the Spanish justice system when it denies any investigation into crimes committed under the Franco regime and the Spanish Congress has no desire to change[…]
do you know how It’s frighting me what you say: about Women, Fear and Transmission
Abstract: Reflection on 36 war, post–war, dictatorship and the transition involves a difficult challenge. It means a complex and devastating event for humanity that has been indelibly inscribed as a wound difficult heal the subjectivity[…]
Memory, mourning and psychoanalysis on the long road of pain between 1939 and 2017
Abstract As the purpose of traumatic symptom is to find someone to talk to, this article is an attempt to articulate a written answer to the question: which is the attitude psychoanalyst must adopt[…]
Argelès-sur-Mer: the trail (and the face) of violence
Abstract Argelès-sur-Mer concentration camp became a place of horror, terror and continued abuse of detained citizens, that brought numerous and severe symptoms, extending to the first, second, third and fourth generation. The linking of certain[…]
Chapter 3: “Exiles”
Trailer TRILOGÍA “La Luz que no apagaron”, Capítulo 3: “Exilios”
Synopsis The documentary “Exiles”, third of the trilogy “THE LIGHT THAT DID NOT TURN OFF” describes the historical context and different facets of the life of the anti-Francoists fled to the mountain, hidden (moles) or[…]
Chapter 2: “Stronger than bars”
Trailer TRILOGÍA “La Luz que no apagaron”, Capítulo 2: “Más fuertes que las rejas”
Synopsis The documentary “Stronger than bars” is the second of the trilogy “THE LIGHT THAT DID NOT TURN OFF”. It takes a tour of the experiences lived by several captive, enslaved or confined anti-Francoists in[…]
Chapter 1: “Overcome Fear”
Trailer TRILOGÍA “La Luz que no apagaron”, Capítulo 1: “Vencer el Miedo”
Synopsis This documentary describes the historical context and different facets of the life of the anti-Francoists harassed in towns and cities for forty years, and analyzes part of the consequences, traumas and sequels left by[…]